Solar Mowing Solution

How to Easily Trim Around Solar Panels with the GreenTec Barrier Mower

Solar panels are a game-changer for clean energy. But did you know that trimming and tidying the grass and weeds around your solar panels is important for proper performance?

But cutting the vegetation surrounding solar solutions can be tricky with panel supports and other obstacles getting in the way.

Enter the GreenTec Barrier Mower – a tool designed to make this maintenance task more efficient and hassle-free than ever before.

This guide will look at the importance of regularly mowing the area around your solar panels and why the GreenTec Barrier Mower is the perfect solution for this challenging task. 

Why is it important to mow around solar panels?

Keeping the foliage around solar panels trimmed and tidy is important for the following reasons: 

  1. 1. Easy maintenance access

Clear access to your solar panels makes it easy for teams to carry out regular inspections, cleanings, and repairs to maintain them. 

Proper maintenance ensures your panels continue to function at their best and keeps minor issues from turning into bigger, more costly problems.

  1. 2. Reduced fire hazard 

Tall grass and weeds can easily catch fire, particularly in dry areas. A fire can harm your panels and spread to other structures, causing significant damage. 

Regularly moving grass and weeds is the best way to eliminate potential fire hazards, particularly during hot and dry weather when vegetation is more flammable.

  1. 3. Less risk of electrical damage

Overgrown vegetation can brush against electrical wires connected to the panels, leading to expensive damage and dangerous situations. 

Thankfully, by keeping the grass short, you lessen the risk of electrical faults and make sure your solar panels continue to perform safely and effectively.

  1. 4. Optimal sunlight absorption

Shade from tall grass and weeds can reduce the amount of sunlight reaching your panels, greatly impacting their energy production. 

Clearing the area around your panels maximizes their exposure to sunlight, enhancing their efficiency and the amount of clean energy they produce.

  1. 5. Better ventilation

A thick layer of grass can trap heat around the panels, making them less efficient and shortening their lifespan. Regularly mowing overgrowth helps air flow better. Proper ventilation keeps your panels cooler and working as they should. 

  1. 6. Pest control

Tall grass and weeds make the perfect home for rodents and other pests that might chew on wires or damage your panels. Regular mowing around your panels discourages these unwanted guests from making nests, saving you the stress of expensive repairs.

  1. 7. Aesthetics

Finally, looks are important when it comes to your solar setup. A well-maintained area projects a professional image and increases your property's overall curb appeal.

Why is trimming around solar panels so difficult?

Removing greenery bordering solar panels can be difficult for several reasons:

  • Tight spaces: Solar panels are often installed in tight rows, making it challenging for standard mowers to move through the small spaces between them.

  • Obstacles: Likewise, the panels' posts and supports create obstacles that regular mowing equipment struggles to overcome.

  • Height restrictions: If you get too close to panels when mowing, you risk damaging them. But if you mow too far away, it leaves vegetation untrimmed.

  • Varied terrain: Solar panels are often set up on uneven terrain, making it hard to get a consistent cut without the help of specialized equipment.

GreenTec Barrier Mower: Benefits for Easy Mowing

The GreenTec Barrier Mower from Buckeye Farmers has been the solution for many companies and municipalities in charge of mowing underneath and around solar panels. Benefits of this revolutionary mower include: 

  • Easy obstacle navigation: The GreenTec mower's adjustable, spring-loaded arm ensures smooth maneuvering around posts, fences, livestock gates, and even trees, saving you time and frustration.

  • Universal compatibility: Multiple mounting brackets (sold separately) mean the GreenTec mower can be fitted to any vehicle with the required hydraulic flow.

  • Convenient underblade design: The GreenTec features an under-blade design for easy mowing beneath panels.

  • Complete landscape maintenance: The GreenTec Mower is ideal for more than just solar panel care. In fact, it can tackle other tricky spaces like fences, livestock areas, crash barriers, and even orchards. 

  • Compact and lightweight design: Weighing only 132lbs and featuring a 31.5-inch working width, the mower is easy to transport and offers excellent maneuverability.

Closing thoughts 

Keeping the area around your solar panels clean and tidy is a must to protect against fire hazards, electrical faults, and expensive damage, and to guarantee optimal sunlight exposure and aesthetic appeal. 

The GreenTec Barrier Mower is the ideal solution for meeting these needs. With its easy maneuvering, universal mounting options, and ability to mow right under the panels, the GreenTec Barrier Mower is the perfect tool for solar panel maintenance and other mowing tasks.

Get started with the GreenTec Barrier Mower

Have you made the wise decision to install solar panels? Then try out the GreenTec Barrier Mower and see its brilliance for yourself. This is your chance to enjoy improved safety and optimal performance with effortless mowing around your solar panels. 

Don't let overgrown grass and weeds hinder your clean energy efforts. Invest in the GreenTec Barrier Mower today and keep your solar installation in great shape. 

Request a free quote today!